Welcome to Holy Trinity

You are welcome to join us as we meet together to worship God, 10.30am every Sunday. Youth, children and toddler groups take place every Sunday in term time.

ALPHA starts Wednesday 15th January
Youā€™re invited to Alpha, a place to explore the Christian faith in an easy and friendly environment.
Each session starts with refreshments before watching a talk on a question of faith. Then there's plenty of time to share your thoughts ā€“ you can say anything you like or nothing at all.
Thereā€™s no follow up, no charge and never any pressure.
Everyoneā€™s welcome. Watch the ALPHA promo HERE.
Contact Robin 07905 148 955 or robin@trinitybarnstaple.org.uk
or the Church office 01271 374240 or office@trinitybarnstaple.org.uk

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