Sundays 10:30am
Worshipping together on Sunday is the heart and highlight of our week. It is the central focus of our identity as Christians. Here we worship God, encourage and care for each other, and look outwards. Everyone is important and valued. Every single one of us matters to God and to each other.
Youth & Children (Term Time)
Children 0-11
As an all-age community, we welcome, support and encourage children and families. We sing, eat, create and play games with our 2-11 year olds – all while showing them God’s love and learning about Jesus being light of the world.
Children and youth join us for the start of our worship together before leaving for their own groups in the church hall or crèche room.
Children’s groups:
Baby and Parent Room (0-12 months) A room in the main church for parents and babies (open all year round).
Bright Lights (Pre-school children) meet in the church hall.
Lighthouse (Primary school children) meet in the hall.
Revival Youth 11+
Sunday morning youth sessions are held in the church hall from 11am. We welcome everyone aged 11-17, whether you come to church or not! It’s a time to share, ask questions and learn more about Jesus.